Transversality is a necessary and essential feature of our teams, who are guided by a sense of curiosity and the need to admit influences from the outside world.
R&D and international partners as well as publications in international journals and various patented active ingredients. The Giuliani innovation department is the driving force behind the development of some of Giuliani’s brands.
While companies used to have to be flexible to stay on the market, today we would add being fast as a requirement. The interconnected world requires it, and we work to be like that.
Per raggiungere obiettivi importanti è necessario prima prefiggerseli, e l’unico modo per arrivare a questi è essere capaci di sviluppare competenze interne ed esterne attraverso partnership internazionali scommettendo attraverso approcci innovativi in aree terapeutiche ad oggi non ancora esplorate, tutto questo per i bisogni dei pazienti.
We are Giuliani.