In quanto azienda operante nel settore della salute e del benessere, la qualità dei nostri prodotti e processi aziendali è un valore imprescindibile.
L’innovazione continua ha portato Giuliani ad adottare un modello organizzativo conforme al Sistema di Gestione della Qualità indicate nelle norme UNI EN ISO 13485 e ISO 9001, oltre al rispetto per i gli obblighi regolamentari in ambito Medical Device (direttiva MDD e Regolamento MDR), Cosmetico (Regolamento 1223/2009) Medicinali per uso umano (Direttiva 2001/83/CE e smi).
We firmly believe that the ethics with which we carry out our activities must be very rigorous. By playing a responsible role in the field of health, we do everything in our power to ensure that our employees’ behaviour is exemplary, all around the world.
To ensure compliance with the values and ethical standards that make Giuliani’s work stand out, and meet its primary commitment – contributing to the improvement of health and quality of life – the company has summarised these standards and their underlying principles in its Code of Ethics.
Our skin and hair treatments are developed with the same rigour as our medicines.
We do not compromise when it comes to product safety, and we work with highly qualified teams of toxicologists who carry out a thorough assessment.
Anything dosed badly can be harmful. This applies to a plant, which needs sunlight but cannot tolerate intense exposure, but also to ingredients in dermocosmetics, which must be dosed correctly and exactly to act without risk.
From choosing the ingredients to formulating the product, each phase is subject to particular attention.
We select only quality ingredients, which comply with the regulations in force
In life, everything is a question of balance. Flour is needed to make a cake, but also eggs, sugar… The same thing applies to dermocosmetics: each ingredient is necessary in order to obtain a balanced product.